Council is a practice of open, heartfelt expression and attentive, empathic listening. The Ojai Foundation, where Council is rooted, describes Council as, “a circle practice that fosters attentive listening and authentic, heart-felt sharing. Inspired by storytelling traditions from many cultures.” (A more extensive Council history can be found here.)
In the Council circle we consider everything that enters the group’s awareness. We value curiosity over opinion, being truthful over being right, and understanding over self-defense.

Monthly Open Council
We meet once each month at Mark Simon’s home, starting with snacks and schmoozing, then about 90-minutes in circle. Dates and times vary each month and are posted on sign up genius. There is no cost, just a request to sign up in advance. Folks can participate in just one gathering or as often as they like. The topics may include anything from devotion, to our professional calling, to explorations of love, shadow or belonging.
Open Council is “by invitation only,” but anyone can contact Mark Simon to request an invitation (msimon@storywalkers.com). Please be sure to RSVP in advance of an Open Council date to confirm and reserve your seat. Open Council gatherings take place at Mark’s home in Davis.
Council Gatherings

How We “Do” Council
First we form a circle, so we can see each other.
To start, any of us can dedicate the council to an idea or a wish for the future.
We select and use a talking piece to help focus our attention on each person as they speak. While they speak, we listen.
There are four intentions of council. It can be difficult to follow these intentions, but we try to do our best:
- Speak from the heart……not only with your head and ideas, but with your feelings. Trust in the moment.
- Listen from the heart……without judgment, with an open mind, especially if you disagree with what the person is saying. Take it in before you react or respond either with your words or your body.
- Speak spontaneously…waiting until the talking piece comes before deciding what to say. Don’t prepare; relax and listen until your turn comes.
- Speak leanly…with an awareness of the time, and how many more people may want to speak.