Click here to download a one-pager summarizing our facilitation approach and offerings.
Storywalkers provides customized facilitation to increase a group’s ability to work effectively, learn from one another and strengthen collaborative relationships. Storywalkers facilitation offerings include:
Board Retreats: Storywalkers provides the structure and strategies to ensure that critical conversations can take place. Depending on the culture of the board and the challenges facing an organization, these conversations may emphasize vision and new opportunity; resolving differences; or setting priorities and creating action plans.
Participatory Planning: Storywalkers works with leadership teams to clarify and define desired outcomes in terms that potential funders and partners can grasp. Storywalkers supports project organizers in designing a set of concrete and achievable strategies.
Public Forums & Community Input: Storywalkers utilizes participatory tools and strategies to engage stakeholders in planning, project design and decision-making. We conduct focus groups and town hall-type public forums, which can also be supported by surveys or interviews.
Capacity Building & Professional Development: Storywalkers convenes conversations that promote organizational learning and professional development through Peer-to-Peer Learning. Various opportunities for reflection are available to professional teams; individuals seeking professional development; teams from collaborating agencies; or conferences and training events.
For a selection of capacity building and professional development topics, download this pdf.